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3 Days, 3 Quotes – Day 1

3 Days 3 Quotes

3 Days 3 Quotes

Ok I have been tagged a lot so far this year so please stand by. I am trying my best to get through them.

(A little note about “Tagging” bloggers is that it helps when you’ve linked them to either a blog post page, their About Me page, or giving them a comment to let them know you’ve tagged them for a challenge, or award, or such. Trust me, it helps the person in being tagged respond to you faster. Also I noticed that I can find these tags when I check my stats page and look at the daily (monthly, etc) “clicks” to my page.)

I was tagged by 4 lovely bloggers so it looks like they really want to see what quotes I would pick from. So I’ll work on this for a bit before some of the older tags.

These lovely 4 bloggers who tagged me are Giovanna @Book Coma, Shivalika @Whimsy Journals, B.G. @Getting Through Anxiety, and Beth @The Books Are Everywhere.

The Rules:

1) Thank the person who nominated you
2) Post a quote for three consecutive days
3) Nominate three new bloggers each day

Day 1

From Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid.

Northanger Abbey Val McDermid

This isn’t one of my top favorite books but I did like it. I also recently read the book and am working on the review.

Here’s a quote from the book. It’s something that I really feel that I wish is true too. Sometimes.

Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid

“It was a source of constant disappointment to Catherine Morland that her life did not more closely resemble her books. Or rather, that the books in which she found its likeness were so unexciting.”
Val McDermid, Northanger Abbey.

True Dat

I Tag:

oh the blessed chore of tagging people. Ok here goes…

  1. Eve @Eve Messenger’s Other-World-ly Endeavors. I love her blog and she has such great posts and comments on books that she’s read.
  2. Rachael @Rachael Reads. Love her blog too. Fun photos and reviews and such of books she’s read.
  3. Elizabeth @Betwixt-These-Pages. A fun book blog with an original Penguin signature on each of her posts.

If you have already done this, I apologize and would love to see them so please direct me to those posts.

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